Stunning Color Pictures of New York City in 1940s

An extraordinary high quality color pictures of New York city in the 40’s, taken by Charles Weever Cushman from Indiana.  The impressive Kodachrome pictures look far more recent than they actually are.

GoPro: Vertical Skydiving World Record 2012

Watch 138 people break the Vertical Skydiving World Record in June of last year, as they form a snowflake formation at speeds up to 220 mph! The whole video was shot with GoPro HD Hero cameras. Watch the video below.

Stunning Airplane Window Pictures

Beautiful pictures shots from around the world taken through an airplane windows. There are many photographers who have featured their experience on Flicker. All credit to the amazing photographers for capturing the world and sharing it with others to enjoy! via: Photography Heat

Video: Best of 2012 By Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records has created a “Best of 2012″ video compilation that highlights the year’s most incredible achievements. From Felix Baumgartner’s incredible leap from the edge of space to Chandra Bahdur Dangi being declared the shortest man of all time, 2012 has been a truly amazing year for record breaking. To wrap the year up, here’s a compilation of… Continue reading Video: Best of 2012 By Guinness World Records

Mahdi Gilbert Performs Miracle at Magic-Con 2012

Mahdi Gilbert is a 20 year old magician from Toronto, Canada whose arms and hands are affected by a congenital condition. In the video below Mahdi performs a very cool magic tricks for a small audience at Magic-Con 2012. It’s amazing what people with disabilities can do!

Stunning Examples of Tilt-shift Photography

Tilt-shift photography is a very creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model (just like Madurodam), almost fake looking appearance. This affect can be accomplished by way of a tilt-shift lens, or in post processing in Photoshop. via: enpundit

Chunhua Footbridge in Shenzhen

The Chunhua footbridge in Shenzhen, China, which was built at a cost of  $7.8 million (50 million yuan). The amazing 14-meter-wide overpass was designed in the shape of a flower and has four staircases, four escalators and two elevators. Via: Shenzhen Daily, Caixin Online