The World’s Most Expensive Billboard Cost $1.3 Billion

The world’s most expensive billboard, located in downtown Dubai, near the entrance of the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. The billboard featured a Jet Pack Man flying around the billboard in a seconds-long promotion for Skydive Dubai and Go Fast energy drink. The seconds of flight time for the billboard in Downtown Dubai would… Continue reading The World’s Most Expensive Billboard Cost $1.3 Billion

World Record: Tightest Parallel Parking

The Guinness World Records‘ hotly contested title for tightest parallel parking has changed hands five times in the past two years, this time the record is broken by the Chinese master wheelman Han Yue. Han last week managed to shave off an incredible 7cm from the record, drifting into a space of just 15 cm… Continue reading World Record: Tightest Parallel Parking

The World’s Largest Chocolate Sculpture

The Record-Breaking Chocolate Sculpture Weighs 18,239 Pounds and Models an Ancient Mayan Temple To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Qzina Specialty Foods, has broken a Guinness World Record for building the largest chocolate sculpture. The sculpture models an ancient Mayan temple and weighs 18,239 pounds, far surpassing the previous record set in Italy in 2010 by… Continue reading The World’s Largest Chocolate Sculpture

Man Makes Successful 13 Mile Space Jump

Felix Baumgartner sits inside a pressurized capsule before his test jump for Red Bull Stratos over Roswell, New Mexico, on March 15, 2012. A hot air balloon lifted the capsule to a height of 13.60 miles over New Mexico which was above the troposphere and within the stratosphere. “Fearless Felix” reached 364.4 mph — more… Continue reading Man Makes Successful 13 Mile Space Jump